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Exposing the Hidden Consulting Market

  • 24-Jul-2014
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Pittsford Library Meeting Room


  • No Charge
  • No Charge

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Exposing the Hidden Consulting Market

Presenter: Abby Kohut, Staffing Symphony, LLC

Many consulting opportunities are hidden from plain view and unless you learn the new way to find them, you'll be left out in the cold. Absolutely Abby will teach you how easy it really is to uncover the hidden consulting market. Learn how to see the light when there doesn't appear to be any and how to turn a lead into an opportunity. Differentiate yourself now and win the race to the finish line! You will learn:
  • 3 ways to hobnob with CTOs, CFOs and other C-suite members.
  • How working for free can be the best idea you ever had
  • How to solve problems for companies who don't know that they have them.
  • Ways to use social media to generate opportunities you didn't know existed.
  • Why you are actually invisible to potential clients.

About Abby:

Abby KohutAbby Kohut, who is known on the web as "Absolutely Abby", is the President of Staffing Symphony, LLC and the author of the website, which was selected as one of the “Top 100 Websites for Your Career” by Forbes in 2013. Abby has provided career related tips on Fox 5, NBC, CBS, ABC, LinkedIn, Real Simple, The Ladders, Bloomberg News, and Forbes.

Abby is one of the “Top 100 Influential People Online” according to Fast Company Magazine. She has also been named a Top Twitter Expert by CEOWORLD Magazine, Daily Muse, YouTern, and CareerCopilot. She currently has 17,000 Twitter followers, 8500 LinkedIn connections and 4700 Facebook friends & fans. Since 2010, Abby has been on a mission to help one million job seekers and is currently driving around the USA on a nationwide tour to accomplish that goal which you can learn more about at


There is no charge for this special meeting.

Get directions to Pittsford Community Library.



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