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Close The Expert-Novice Chasm To Achieve Positive Outcomes

  • 24-Oct-2014
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Brighton Town Hall - Downstairs Meeting Room


  • No Charge

Registration is closed

Close The Expert-Novice Chasm To Achieve Positive Outcomes

Presenter: Judith Shenouda

Have you ever wondered why so much goes awry in communications and interactions between the expert and the novice? In this upcoming event, Close the Expert-Novice Chasm to Achieve Positive Outcomes, Judith Shenouda will share what she has learned about the expert-novice chasm and how it affects decision-making and problem-solving to the detriment of positive outcomes.

Participants will look at scenarios in Health and Wellness, Law and Justice, and Education; consider what causes the expert-novice gap; and think about how to close the gap in their role as a consultant, interacting with clients, colleagues, and many others.

Here is a short video in which Judy describes her presentation.
Judith Shenouda

Three key learnings the audience take away from this program:
  1. With a chasm between the expert and the novice, much can go awry and the consequences may mean life or death.
  2. Looking at the continuum from novice to expert helps to explain the chasm and its affect on decision-making, problem-solving, and positive outcomes.
  3. Closing the expert-novice chasm can lead to improved outcomes in every realm of human endeavor for the good of all.

Judith is owner of Shenouda Associates Inc., a business that researches, writes, and edits the professional publications that launch products, streamline processes, and promote each client’s brand. She has achieved recognition as a Toastmasters International Advanced Leader Bronze and Advanced Communicator Bronze and is co-founder of Thinking Forward, a troupe of professional speakers. Judith presents seminars and webinars on topics related both to her business and the books she authored and published, A Bisl of This, A Bisl of That: Eating Our Way, and Career Success in 12 Easy Steps: A Journal. Judith is an active member of RCPN, the Society for Technical Communication, and a Nonfiction Book Club.


No charge for RPCN members. $10.00 for non-members.

Get directions to Brighton Town Hall.



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