Enlightened Leadership: The Rising Spirit Of Leadership
Presenter: Bruce McLellan
Have you ever achieved great success only to feel that something is missing or to wonder what's next or to experience a lingering sense of ennui? You are not alone. I have heard many people say that it's lonely at the top, but I no longer subscribe to the belief that it is necessary, particularly meaningful or even slightly helpful for that matter. Please, join me, Coach Bruce Wayne McLellan, on a journey to the Grand state of Maine, to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro, and then deep into your authentic self as we explore the spirit of leadership as it is arising in all human beings.
Here is a video of Bruce briefly describing his presentation.

Three key learnings the audience will take away from this program:
- Steps to enhance Self-Awareness
- TO-DO list to improve overall happiness
- A recognizable pattern to work towards a lasting success
Bruce Wayne McLellan has been called a "renaissance man" because of his combined passions for a lifetime of learning in the areas of: conscious leadership, human potential, creative expression, the great outdoors, the sciences and the spirituality of the great wisdom traditions. He is a friend, a father, a mentor, a coach, a philosopher, a poet, a musician, an artist, a husband and a mountaineer (just to name a few), Meditating since before he was a teenager, Bruce possesses a lifetime of contemplative practice as a deep well of resources for his coaching practice. In consideration of these, he brings a lifetime of rich and diverse experiences to bear in each interaction with leaders.
McLellan graduated from the University of Maine in Orono with a Bachelors of Science in 1976, At the end of the 70's, he anticipated the impact of the personal computer and became self-educated in electronics, personal computers, and in the late 80's he reinvented himself in preparation for the evolution of computer networks and the birth of the Internet. As a result, he spent 30 years working in the field of information technologies as a trainer, consultant, and project manager for companies like: Ziff Davis, Bausch & Lomb, and Xerox to name a few. As part of this stage in his career, he designed, developed and delivered presentations for professionals, which he has now been doing for 30 years. In 2004, he purchased a franchise from ACTIONCOACH®, which provided him with ongoing training, coach certification, DiSC® certification and experience for 3 years in the areas of Executive, Business, and Life coaching. In 2007, he founded Business Expeditions, a life and business coaching company and in October of 2010, he founded Aperçu Coaching, a leadership coaching firm. For the past 2+ years he has worked for a management consulting firm, Idea Connection Systems, Inc. His primary responsibility has been as a workshop content designer and developer. During this time, he became a certified ISPI™ (Innovation Strengths Preference Indicator®) Practitioner and gained the experiences and insights needed to support executives and other leaders in the areas of Creativity, Innovation, Culture, Personality Assessment, Team Building etc. He now runs Aperçu Coaching full time. At this point, he's been actively coaching for 11 years. As a musician, he has written hundreds of songs and enjoys performing regularly. In February of 2010, Bruce fulfilled a lifelong dream of summiting a world-class mountain by climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa. And in 2014, he published his first book, Poetry in the Nature of Things: Songs from the Great Wilderness.
Mission: Serving the Spirit of Leadership Arising within any Human Being
Vision: Envisioning a world where all leaders serve a higher purpose and where all people awaken the spirit of leadership within
No charge for RPCN members. $10.00 for non-members.