Write That Blog!
Presenter: Melissa Hopkins
Why write a blog?
To promote your business, engage with colleagues, and connect with clients.
To post on your social media or website.
In this interactive workshop, attendees will have a chance to explore ideas, take a stab, write a draft.
Remember: before grammar, there’s gusto.
Begin anywhere.
Three key learnings that you will take away from this program:
- Brainstorm your ideas.
- Draft a few paragraphs.
- Revise your writing.

Melissa is a freelance writer, editor, and teacher. For over 20 years, she has coached people to write in business and academic settings, in large groups and one-on-one. She earned a Master’s degree in English from Brown University and has taught writing at Roberts Wesleyan College and RIT.
Melissa’s clients are:
- Applying to jobs, colleges, and graduate schools;
- Writing web content, correspondence, speeches, and books;
- Promoting events, and planning programs.
Open to the public. No charge for RPCN members. $10.00 for non-members.
Refreshments will be available. A "Tip Jar" is also provided. Your contribution is appreciated.
Here's a Map to 570 South Ave., Rochester. Entrance and free parking in the rear of the building (Averill & Hamilton)