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Gaining Trust Through The Art Of Listening

  • 14-Oct-2016
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • NeighborWorks, 570 South Ave., Rochester


  • No Charge

Registration is closed

Gaining Trust Through The Art Of Listening

Presenter: Caitlin Drago

Who do you trust most? Those who talk at you? Or those who listen to and respond to your needs? In this interactive workshop, certified coach and improvisation consultant, Caitlin Drago, will help you to refine your listening skills. This will allow you to have meaningful, productive exchanges with clients, improving trust and increasing sales.

Three Key Learnings that the participants will gain from Caitlin's presentation:

1. What does listening have to do with trust?
2. Why is it important?
3. How to improve your ability to actively listen to your clients, even under pressure.


Caitlin Drago is the owner of Inspire Improv and Coaching. She uses her backgrounds in both leadership coaching and improvisational theatre to help teams to work together in a more productive, creative and collaborative way.

Refreshments will be available. A "Tip Jar" is also provided. Your contribution is appreciated.

Here's a Map to 570 South Ave., Rochester. Entrance and free parking in the rear of the building (Averill & Hamilton)



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