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Livin’ Large – Outside Your Comfort Zone

  • 09-Mar-2018
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Five Star Bank, City Gate


  • No Charge

Registration is closed

Livin’ Large – Outside Your Comfort Zone

Presenter: Luis Martinez

In our work lives and even in our personal lives, the days turn into weeks, into months and years. When we look back, not much has changed and sometimes we regret that we didn’t act differently, achieve our long held ambitions.  But how can we accomplish that?  Using unique metaphors lived by the Presenter, participants in this interactive workshop will learn 10 steps to changing their lives, both personally and professionally.  At the end of each of these sections, participants will take away a tool kit so they can see their work environment from a different perspective and set out to accomplish fresh goals and objectives.

Three key learnings the audience will take away from this program:
  1. Do you know what you want? If not, how will you get there?  Can you crisply define your current state?  What does success mean to you?  Precisely – what’s your plan for getting there?
  2. Identifying motivation, the thing that grounds us, root from which we strive.
  3. You have to not only want success –  you have to create it But…how?

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Luis MartinezWinner of the 2017 RPCN Entrepreneurs Wall of Fame Award for,"Consultant’s Consultant",  Luis has been a trusted business advisor and executive coach for many years. Through his strategic management consulting firms, Human Capital Strategy Partners and Gran Altura, Inc., Luis provides management consulting and executive coaching services to growing enterprises and business professionals.

While in Xerox, Luis directed the global human resources functions for Worldwide Manufacturing.  Prior to Xerox, Luis had served as Senior Vice President of Human Resources at Lehigh Valley Hospital and Vice President & General Manager of Exide Batteries in Puerto Rico.

Born and raised in Cuba, Luis has a B.A. and M.Ed., from the University of Delaware.  He has authored two career development books, Getting There and Getting There Volume 2. strive.
Refreshments will be available.

Coffee Sponsorships available. Contact Michael Van der Gaag at for more information.

Here's a Map to Five Star Bank, City Gate

For a description of where to park, CLICK HERE.



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