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Protection for Today's Consultant

  • 14-Jun-2019
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Five Star Bank at City Gate


  • No Charge

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Presenter:Tina Rohring and Megan Mills

Join Tina and Megan as we review the best ways to manage your business risks in today's entrepreneurial world.  Specifically, what liability coverage's do consultants need to consider when setting up and growing their business.

Key Learning #1: Consultant Liability Protection
Key Learning #2: Specific ways to manage financial risk
Key Learning #3: What are the next steps?

Tina Rohring

Tina - Financial Problem Solver - I am "THE GREAT PROTECTOR" . I protect people financially from living too long or passing too soon.

Megan Mills

Megan - Farmers Insurance Agent - I work with customers and companies to develop the best, most suitable protection for their financial assets.

Would you be interested in sponsoring a meeting? First, fill out a Sponsorship form. Contact Michael Van der Gaag at for more information.

Here's a Map to Five Star Bank, City Gate

For a description of where to park, CLICK HERE.



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