Join RPCN for a night of gaming, prizes, raffles, networking, hearty appetizers, cash bar, and fun!
Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Location: Glendoveer's, 2328 Old Browncroft Rd., Rochester, NY 14625
Time: 6-9 PM
Gaming tables start at 6:30 PM
Ticket Cost: $35 for RPCN & SCORE members; $50 for non-members
Sponsorships available!
2019 Casino Night Sponsorship Levels (click on Register to sign up)
FOOD Sponsor $850
- Exclusive sponsorship level - only ONE available
- Logo with link on RPCN website event page
- Event Social Media Promotion
- Event emails and inclusion in all press releases
- Signage at Event as Food Sponsor
- Two Event Registrations
- Promotional Item in Attendee Welcome Bag (Pre-Approval Required)
- Sponsorship Thank you Announcement at Event
- 6 months of ads (3 issues) in RPCN ad sheet
Platinum Sponsor $1000 (only 2 available)
- 4 Event Registrations
- Logo with Link on RPCN website event page
- Event social media promotion
- Event emails and inclusion in all press releases
- 3 minutes speaking about business/organization
- Sponsorship Thank You Announcement at Event
- Promotional Item in Attendee Welcome Bag (Pre-Approval Required)
- 1 year of ads (6 issues) in RPCN ad sheet
Gold Sponsor $500 (only 3 available)
- Logo with link on RPCN website event page
- Event Social Media Promotion
- Event emails and inclusion in all press releases
- Two Event Registrations
- Promotional Item in Attendee Welcome Bag (Pre-Approval Required)
- 4 months of ads (2 issues) in RPCN ad sheet
Silver Sponsor $300 (ONLY 5 AVAILABLE -- May be split with another organization)
- Logo with link on RPCN Event Page
- Event Social Media Promotion
- Business/Org name on lighted sign on casino table
- Two Event Registrations
- Promotional Item in Attendee Welcome Bag (Pre-Approval Required)
- 2 months of ads (1 issues) in RPCN ad sheet
Bronze Sponsor $150
- Event Social Media Promotion
- One Event Registration
- Promotional Item in Attendee Welcome Bag (Pre-Approval Required)
If you have an event or sponsorship question, please contact Laurie Enos at Laurie@BlueLilacMarketing.com