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The Benefits of Keeping a Work Journal

  • 14-Feb-2020
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Five Star Bank, Cioty Gate


  • No Charge

Registration is closed

Presenter: Nancy Steinkamp

What do Albert Einstein, Leonardo DaVinci, Pablo Picasso, Thomas Edison, George Lucas, and Madame Curie all have in common? They were brilliant people who kept a journal. If you expand the Google search to “successful entrepreneurs who keep a journal” the list grows even longer, along with a description of the numerous benefits of engaging in this practice. For consultants who often work alone, having a place to process ideas and examine patterns of success/failure is like having a reliable co-worker available to provide feedback 24-7.

This interactive workshop will explore a variety of writing techniques to capture the ebb and flow of your business and how to create space in your work day for written reflection.

Key Learning #1:        How to set up a work journal to address business needs
Key Learning #2:        Identify subject areas to monitor
Key Learning #3:        Experience writing techniques that adapt to your schedule and reveal your priorities.

Nancy SteinkampNancy Steinkamp is a certified journal writing instructor who has studied with the Center for Journal Therapy and the Therapeutic Writing Institute. She is the Founder of Wisdom Writing: and works with individuals and groups to use expressive writing to reveal their unique process for achieving personal and professional goals.

Nancy is an instructor for Writers and Books and has led staff retreat sessions with Bosch Security Systems, Town of Perinton Recreation and Parks Department and the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester.

Want to promote your business? Sponsor this meeting by registering as the Meeting Sponsor. For more details about sponsoring a meeting, CLICK HERE.

Location: 5 Star Bank, City Gate

Here's a Map to Five Star Bank, City Gate

For a description of where to park, CLICK HERE.



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