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Zoom Facilitation - From Schedule to Follow-Up!
Presenter: Dave Finger
Zoom is easy to get into, challenging to become expert with.
During this session we will walk through: key security settings, scheduling/editing meetings, setting up polls, dividing up duties for Host and Co-Hosts, recording, and more!
Whether you will Host Zoom meetings or just want to appreciate what happens behind the curtain, this session should be beneficial and interesting!
Key Learning #1: Know the tools of the trade for Zoom meetings
Key Learning #2: See behind the scenes into the inner workings of Zoom
Key Learning #3: Be better prepared to plan, schedule and Host Zoom meetings

David Finger, Computer Gardener LLC, specializes in providing practical solutions to technology problems. Dave has been helping individuals and small businesses with their tech challenges for 28 years, and has a reputation for working with people at THEIR level of expertise.
Networking, backup, upgrades - if it isn't doing what you think it should, Computer Gardener can help!
Want to sponsor a meeting? Contact Michael Van der Gaag at for more information.