RPCN "Surprise Thursday" Online Social
Thursday, October 29, 2020
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

As you know, July 2020 is a five week month. So, I know you're wondering, since RPCN does not have a meeting on the Fifth Friday, "What am I to do with myself.
Usually we have a Social on the Thursday night before the 5th Friday that we call, "Surprise Thursday"; the surprise being "Where will we have it?" And this month will be no exception. While, due to the COVID-19 social Distancing rules, we can't yet have our social out at a local establishment, we can have it online. And while we can't order drinks from the bartender, we can pour ourselves our favorite beverage or cocktail while taking advantage of RPCN's new Zoom account to catch up on business and personal news with our friends and colleagues.
David Powe (my co-host ) and I have been thinking that we should do something to mimic an in-person gathering. We will set up Breakout rooms with participants chosen at random to have various discussions about how we and our businesses have been coping through these times. Perhaps we'd share our thoughts and insights on new areas of business that we have been contemplating. We can also have a separate breakout session to share recipes of our favorite drink or meal during these times, or where we go for the best takeout during quarantine.... we would even be sure to set aside time for you to select a topic.
Depending on the number of people who show up, the breakout sessions will last from 5-10 minutes each, with time set aside to come back to the larger group to share any insights or info that we have learned and how that might help us move our business forward.
Our online Surprise Thursday will take place Thursday, 10/29/2020 at 5:00 p.m. Just follow this link to register in advance.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing a link which will take you into the meeting.
Don't forget to pour your drink and sign into the Zoom session about 10 minutes before the shindig starts.
If you have any questions or additional ideas on how we can make this Surprise Thursday an online extravaganza, be sure to share them by clicking on the button below.

See ya soon.
Michael R. Van der Gaag, & David Powe
RPCN Programs Manager & Surprise Thursday Co-Host