RPCN’s Enhancing Human CapitalTM Lunch-n-Learns are held on the third Thursday of every month. Please join us for the next installment on June 16, 2022.
Understanding our own day-to-day entrepreneurship
Facilitator: Bob Lewis
Most of us think of entrepreneurs as the Tom Golisanos and George Eastmans that surround us and with great appreciation for all the wonders they’ve created for us. Yet rarely do we take the time to look inside and ask “What about me?” Most of us would disavow our entrepreneurship, though we utilize many of the traits daily. How much thought do we really give to an entrepreneurial culture? We will do that in this next Enhancing Human Capital lunch & learn session. Could this be a way for us to enhance our own human capital?
This meeting is free for everyone.

Bob Lewis began his career as a high school English teacher until he met someone who introduced him to entrepreneurship and being a franchise owner. Though a franchise is largely a predesigned business, the entrepreneurial aspects are great. With this background Bob has been an entrepreneur and coach and adviser all his life.
This series provides an opportunity to explore Dr. Floyd Tucker's "Enhancing Human Capital" program, designed to help businesses build healthy organizations and happy employees.
Contact us at helpdesk@rochesterconsultants.org if you experience any trouble registering for this event.
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