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"Three-R’s” of Consultant Marketing

  • 22-Jul-2022
  • 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Online using Zoom


  • Members -- Free

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Three-R’s” of Consultant Marketing - Reputation, Recommendations, Relationships

Presenter: Bob Lurz

This program will combine a short presentation with lots of networking and learning from other participants about how solo consultants can effectively market themselves.

Consultants must find unique ways to get people interested in what they offer and the value they bring. They don’t have huge marketing and advertising budgets like large firms.

But, they don’t need deep pockets and tons of money if they use cost-effective marketing methods that reach the right people with the right message.

We’ll concentrate on “Three R’s” of Consultant Marketing - Reputation, Recommendations and Relationships.

Key Learning #1 How to build and exploit your Professional Reputation

Key Learning #2 How Recommendations and Referrals can open doors to clients

Key Learning #3 How to develop Relationships that build Credibility and Trust"



Bob Lurz

Bob Lurz helps skilled people start consulting businesses. Through his Consultants Accelerator, he provides one-on-one Coaching, Mentoring & Education for independent consultants. He helps them to:

  • Market themselves to the right people.
  • Interview prospects and turn them into clients.
  • Make informed business decisions and avoid costly mistakes.

Known as the “Consultant’s Consultant, Bob likes to say that he “Grows the Economy - One Consultant at a Time.”

Bob is RPCN Alliance Chair and an RPCN past-president. He founded and facilitates the monthly RPCN Business Forum. Bob organized and facilitated five RPCN Consulting Business Boot Camps from 2012 through 2017. He contributes articles to RPCN Newsletter and has been published in the Wall Street Journal and the Rochester D&C.

Want to sponsor a meeting? Contact Michael Van der Gaag at for more information.

Contact us at if you experience any trouble registering for this event.

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