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Marketing Forum

  • 31-Mar-2023
  • 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Online Using Zoom


  • Free
  • FREE

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RPCN Marketing Forum

(Virtually only via Zoom)

Join us for our first ever Marketing Forum!

RPCN is launching another free service for entrepreneurs, The Marketing Forum.

As a solopreneur, you have to decide how to market your business, but you don’t always feel like you have the answers. You try your best but continue to wrestle with: “Am I doing the right thing? Am I doing it right? I know I need to change my messaging but change it to what? Technology integration? Stop hurting my head!”

Come to a safe place where “I don't know,” and “I'm not sure,” are both reasonable and common. This judgment-free forum is designed to be an open resource to anyone a bit overwhelmed with their marketing efforts. There’ll be lots of interaction with a few surprises thrown in.

And, as always, our Forums are fun, friendly, and free to the public. 

Dave Finger

Dave Finger, RPCN President, will be facilitating this forum.

There is no cost for this meeting and it is open to the public.

This forum is sponsored by Denise Horan of


Want to promote your business? Sponsor a meeting! Contact Melanie Watson at for more information.

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