Is Franchising Right for You?
(Attend IN PERSON or on ZOOM - See below)
Presenter: John Adams
Presentation Overview:
Starting a business up from ground zero can be an exhilarating adventure, reaching for a dream, mixed with ample amounts of long hours, uncertainty, and at times, heavy stress. For many there is a way to reduce those stressors and speed up your success journey, partnering with a franchise organization that mirrors your interests.
Franchising offers operational advantages as someone else has made the mistakes and developed working systems and processes for their respective niche. You can speed up your notoriety through the company's already-established name recognition and brand. Plus, you aren’t “going it alone”. You have a built-in support group of like-minded professionals all trading their lessons to ensure everyone’s success.
Join FranNet Consultant John Adams as he discusses franchise ownership, common myths, available opportunities in New York, and how to select the best franchise for you.
Key Learning #1: Why owning a franchise is a great way to get into business for yourself.
Key Learning #2: Myths about franchising - some true, some inaccurate.
Key Learning #3: How to ensure you select the best franchise for you.

John Adams is a Franchise Consultant with the Too Tall Franchise Group (powered by FranNet) and enjoys helping others see franchise paths available in career transitions. John has spent his entire professional career, over 35 years, in Rochester and has facilitated ABCPNG (Always Be Connecting Power Networking Group) in Rochester since 2003. He has a BA from Hamilton College and an MBA from the Simon School at the University of Rochester. With a background in the banking, telecommunications, and software industries, most recently as VP of Operations at two software startups, John is qualified to help clients find a franchise they will love owning, running, and growing.
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SPECIAL NOTE: This will be a hybrid event where you can attend in-person or by Zoom.
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This event is is also available In-Person in a pleasant conference room at the Al Sigl Center. Attending in-person is highly encouraged. For details and instructions, CLICK HERE.
COST: Free for members; $25.00 for non-members.
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