"I Hate Passwords!" (You Are Not Alone)
(Online on Zoom Only)
Presenter: Dave Finger
Nearly every device and account you have requires a password. Passwords can keep your information more secure and safer from unauthorized access.
But, there's great anxiety about managing all these accounts and passwords on all of our devices. There's the trouble of coming up with strong and rock-solid passwords, remembering them, resetting them, and worrying that they will be somehow be compromised.
While there's no single perfect solution to password management, there are some options to consider to make all of this easier and much more convenient for us as tech users. Attend this presentation with tech expert, David Finger (aka The Computer Gardener) as he shares helpful tips to managing all of your important passwords.
He will also discuss common methods for tracking passwords, password management techniques, and what to do if you lose access to your accounts or devices.
Key Learning #1 What are the most common methods people use for keeping track of their passwords
Key Learning #2 What are the benefits and risks associated with various password techniques and management?
Key Learning #3 Considering "what if" you lose access to your accounts or device.

The Computer Gardener (aka David Finger) has been solving technology problems for individuals and small businesses for over 30 years. Dave's fascination with how things work and his desire to help others combine to create the perfect vocation/avocation for him. Dave is comfortable with the moniker "geek", as he continues to find new things to dive into and learn about. Dave also has extensive experience in team and leadership development through his decades-long corporate and volunteer experience, and continues to be very involved with the Rochester, NY Scouting programs.
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SPECIAL NOTE: This will be a hybrid event where you can attend in-person or by Zoom.
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Contact us at helpdesk@rochesterconsultants.org if you experience any trouble registering for this event.
This event is is also available In-Person in a pleasant conference room at the Al Sigl Center. Attending in-person is highly encouraged. For details and instructions, CLICK HERE.
COST: Free for members; $25.00 for non-members.
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Contact us at helpdesk@rochesterconsultants.org if you experience any trouble registering for this event.
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